selected works of Eric Dunlap

The Orchard - Live Stream Design

Conceived and Directed byIgor Golyak
Based onThe Cherry Orchard
as translated by Carol Rocamora

The Orchard invites us into the fragile world of a family yearning for connection and struggling with the end of their world as they know it. Threatened with foreclosure and the loss of their beloved orchard, they face unstoppable, destructive forces that dismantle their lives like the breaking of a string.

The Orchard In Person

November 413, 2022
Robert J. Orchard Stage, Emerson Paramount Center, ArtsEmerson

The Orchard /an auction/ Online
through a unique virtual, interactive experience available worldwide

Check out The Orchard featurette by production sponsor Birddog 

Featuring Jessica Hecht as Ranevskaya

With Juliet Brett, Darya Denisova, Seth Gore, Jeffrey Hayenga, Elise Kibler, Nael Nacer, Gene Raavin


Mikhail Baryshnikov as Firs 

Executive Producers - Staci Levine and Sara Stackhouse

With support fromArtsEmerson

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