selected works of Eric Dunlap

A Chorus Line - Bad Hersfeld, Germany 

Projection Design 

Presented by the Bad Hersefleder Fespiele

June 22 (premiere) - August 19, 2024

Choreographer and Director Melissa King brings this classic American musical to the stage in one of the first productions to be translated into German. Due to the immense size of the theater, an actual cathedral ruin, a concept of placing LED walls on either side of the stage was developed using live camera and pre-produced footage to magnify and maintain the intimate nature of the piece.. 

more info on the Bad Hersfeleder Festpiele website

Orignal version - James Kirkwood & Nickolas Dante

Music -Marvin Hamlisch

Text -  Edward Kleban

German translation -  Robin Kulisch 

Direction & Choreography - Melissa King

Musical Direction -  Christoph Wohlleben 

Stage Design - Karin Fritz

Costume - Conny Lüders

Lighting Design - Pia Virolainen & Svein Selvik

Video Design - Eric Dunlap


Article on the pre-production video shooting in the Hersefleder Zeitung

Review on

Festpiele Kritik on

Sat.1 Live News Spot on YouTube