selected works of Eric Dunlap

Mutable Motion

Studio Eric Dunlap

youtube playlist

Mutable Motion is a project exploring the dialogue of dance and technology to bring about new forms of creation, expression, and communication. 

Studio Eric Dunlap has created a space dedicated to exploring the interaction of dance and technology. Equipment, tools, and software for motion tracking, live image capture and manipulation, and real-time compositing are already installed. Experiments in furthering the interdisciplinary dialogue between movement and media have already begun. 

All of the tools involved in the project are gear toward live performance. Not just the dancer,  but also the tools for live image capture, motion tracking, compositing, and media manipulation are used in a way to create a live experience. Whether the finished works are dance video pieces or a multimedia performance, the intent is to further the quality and feel of a live performance. 

Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, DIS-TANZEN aid program of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.

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